chief judge of the high court中文什么意思

发音:   用"chief judge of the high court"造句
  • chief:    n. 1.首领,领袖,酋长,族长。 ...
  • judge:    n. 1. 审判员,法官,推事。 2 ...
  • high court:    (of Justice) 〔英国〕高 ...
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更多例句:  下一页
  1. Chief judge of the high court
  2. Speech by the chief secretary for administration , mrs anson chan , in the legislative council on the resolution under article 73 of the basic law regarding the appointment of the chief judge of the high court on december 20 , 2000
  3. Speech by the chief secretary for administration , mrs anson chan , in the legislative council on the resolution under article 73 ( 7 ) of the basic law regarding the appointment of the chief judge of the high court on december 20 , 2000


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  8. chief justice 什么意思
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